Anthony Bailey shares the plans for an easy-to-make laminated sledge
I can’t take the credit for this design. My father-in-law, Robert Fordham, a very practical man, ex-Army Para and Engineer, built the original sledge many years ago when our four children were young. Every once in a while it snowed in winter and we had many fun-filled hours, everyone taking it in turn to be pulled across the snow covered park.
This new version is built from standard PAR (planed all round) softwood with ash for the runners: this timber is much tougher and can be laminated and bent to shape.
You will need
Wood cutting list:
- Runners: 2 @ 1150 x 32 x 12mm
- Runner supports: 2 @ 870 x 50 x 22mm
- Uprights: 6 @ 260 x 50 x 22mm
- Cross braces 3 @ 300 x 50 x 22mm
- Lower braces 2 @ 310 x 50 x 22mm
- Side seat supports: 2 @ 830 x 50 x 22mm
- Seat slats: 2 @ 830 x 120 x 12mm
- Seat slat: 1 @ 830 x 60 x 12mm
Lengths are slightly oversize for some components