Browsing: Woodworking Crafts

Woodworking Crafts is a bi-monthly magazine for woodworkers of all levels, covering everything from green woodworking to cabinetmaking, up-cycling, restoration and many craft disciplines based on wood such as marquetry, pyrography, woodturning and carving. Woodworking Crafts is intended for anyone and everyone from beginners to experienced woodworkers who want to expand their woodworking knowledge and learn new skills.


Using Router Jigs

Using Router Jigs: We explain the importance of jigs for routing. Routers only work safely and accurately because of ‘control’.…


Sanding Bow

Sanding Bow: Jason Townsend talks us through making a useful sanding bow. Sanding is a job that no one really…


Beautiful Painted Bookcase

Beautiful Painted Bookcase: Louise Biggs builds a decorative and intricate bookcase. Having completed an oak (Quercus robur) screen and several…


Walking Sticks – more

Walking Sticks – more: Paul Purnell looks at joining a head and finishing walking sticks. While there are several ways…


An ‘All Aboard!’ Train Whistle

An ‘All Aboard!’ Train Whistle: John Swinkels and Bernie Leadbeatter make wooden train whistles on a lathe. Bernie brought some…


10 Tips for Chisel Work

10 Tips for Chisel Work: If you need to make joints or trim components to fit or chop away defective…

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